Caller Name Talker screenshot 1Caller Name Talker screenshot 2Caller Name Talker screenshot 3Caller Name Talker screenshot 4

Caller Name Talker apk + data (unlocked) mod потому что android

Это приложение объявляет имя звонящего, что может быть полезно для людей с нарушениями зрения.

The Caller Name Talker app aims to solve a common pain point: identifying callers and senders without physically looking at your phone. With over 5 million downloads, it promises a convenient solution. This review will delve into the app's features, functionality, and overall usefulness.

When an incoming call or message arrives, Caller Name Talker announces the caller's name or the sender's name, as well as the message content, depending on your settings. This can be particularly helpful when driving, cooking, or engaged in other activities where looking at your phone is inconvenient. Additionally, the app works with both calls and messages from various platforms like Gmail and WhatsApp, offering comprehensive coverage.

Caller Name Talker is available for free on Google Play. Developed by Passionate Androiden, the app offers a user-friendly interface and a straightforward setup process. However, it's important to note that some features require in-app purchases.

While Caller Name Talker offers a helpful solution for staying informed about incoming calls and messages, it does have some limitations. One potential downside is the potential for privacy concerns, especially for contacts whose names you might not want announced aloud. Additionally, the app's accuracy in identifying unknown numbers might vary, depending on the information available.

Overall, Caller Name Talker presents a valuable tool for users seeking a hands-free way to identify callers and messages. Its free availability, easy setup, and multi-platform compatibility add to its appeal. However, it's important to consider potential privacy concerns and accuracy limitations before deciding if this app is the right choice for you.

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Подробная информация:

Инструменты Android Применение

Обновленный Размер Устанавливает
30 августа 2019 г. 2.57 MB 10,000,000+
Версия Рейтинг Объявления
4.1+ 3+ Contains ads
Цена Приобретение в рамках программы In-App
0 No
Версия Освобождение Изменения
5.0.0 Удалены SMS-уведомления, чтобы быть совместимыми с политиками Google.
Не обновляйте, если вам нужно сохранить функцию SMS-оповещений.
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Passionate Androiden Инструменты